Welcome to Living Word!
Living in the Word that declares God Creator of all, that announces Jesus' gracious coming for all, that promises the Spirit will be poured out on all, we invite all to worship with us in God's loving presence.

All means ALL!

All Races, all national backgrounds,

all economic levels, all educational levels, all political leanings

all gender identities, all gender expressions, all sexual orientations, 

all differently-abled people in mind and body,

all who are wise and all who are confused, all who live here and all who are passing through,

all who are religious and all who are seeking, 

all who are far off and all who are near, 

all who have found love and all who have lost it,

all who are settled and all who are questioning,

all who celebrate this welcome statement and all who fear it,

all who desire to be reconciled in Christ's love.

ALL are welcome in this place!

As such, we are committed to the following actions as individuals and a congregation:
  • Providing a safe environment for marginalized communities. 
  • Actively engaging in antiracism and seeking racial equity.
  • Open to calling LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC rostered leaders.
  • Making our space and leadership available for LGBTQIA+ weddings.
  • Contributing financially to support Reconciling Works and local RIC organizations.

Learn more about the scriptural basis for our affirming stance here.